The Elgin Community Garden Network and the Elgin Public Museum will host a Ladybug Release Party on Friday, July 16, in Lords Park.
Discover how these beautiful insects munch away at pests in your garden without any chemical sprays from ECGN's Lead Gardener Donna Askins. Bring a picnic to enjoy with your family before the festivities officially start and chat with new friends.
After celebrating the insects with a story and a song, they will release hundreds of ladybugs to help control the park's insect pests. Remember that while releasing the ladybugs, a few may land on you. Light refreshments provided and children will receive free ladybug hats while supplies last.
Meet at 7 p.m. outside the museum, located at 225 Grand Blvd., Elgin. The program is free to the public. To register, call the museum at (847) 741-6655 or e-mail